Comparison of zoroastrianism and hinduism holy book

When it comes to hinduism, there is no one who is considered the sole founder of the. This includes the original words of their founder zarathushtra, preserved in a series of five hymns, called the gathas. Compare christianity, islam and judaism religionfacts. Nominally an iranian religion, it has its origins in middleeastern gnosticism. In the field of comparative religion, many scholars, academics, religious figures have looked at. In addition, we offer unique and useful information on spiritualism, selfdevelopment, and yoga, and valuable resources such as translations of several ancient hindu, buddhist, jain, sikh, zoroastrian manuscripts and sacred texts, articles on the history of hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism and zoroastrianism, symbolism of gods and goddesses. Also, in contrast with the concept of karma, in zoroastrianism, ahura mazda can either punish or forgive sins. The zoroastrian holy book, called the avesta, was written in the avestan language, which is closely related to vedic sanskrit. Hinduism vs zoroastrianism hinduism and zoroastrianism are two very different religions followed by people of different beliefs. Compare and contrast zoroastrianism and judaism essay. The latter represent the basic source of the religion. Comparisons between zoroastrianism and christianity.

Charity that is given as a matter of duty, to a deserving candidate who does nothing in return, at the right place and time, is called saattvika goodness charity. There is a concept of yasnasanskrit equivalentyajna in zoroastrianism. In hindu texts there is a mountain associated with meru because the latters water. Hinduism and zoroastrianism a comparison hindu website. Vedic tradition which was a common factor was slowly eliminated in the zoroastrian by use of the teachings and in the end severing any connections between the two. Hinduism vs islam difference and comparison diffen. Lets discuss about the similarities given by you between both religion. Worship of gods bearing identical names such as mithra and yama or yima. Mazdaen scholars zubin mehta and gulshan majeed had noted a similarity of kashmiri customs with zoroastrian ones. Zoroastrianism shares common ground with hinduism and borrows some of its deities but differs from it in significant ways. Jan 02, 2011 similarities between hinduism and zoroastrian.

Differences between jews and zoroastrians difference between. There are several laws of the zoroastrians religion that the followers must obey. Although the teachings of prophet zarathushtra were primarily spiritual, and substantially devoid of mythological and ritualistic beliefs, zoroastrianism, the religion that was based on his teachings incorporated many aspects of prezarathushtra traditions as well as novel and creative approaches to ritualism. Judaism is a monotheistic religion focused around their god, god the father, and was founded. Hinduism and zoroastrianism are two very different religions followed by people of different beliefs. The five major, and most common religions in the world, are judaism, christianity, islam, buddhism, and hinduism. Similarities between christianity and hinduism 1166. The zoroastrian scripture is primarily the avesta, while the hindu scripture is primarily the veda.

Vedic gods like mithra, varuna and indra might be found in zoroastrianism. The torah which is a godly book of laws and events in jewish chronicle. Hinduism and zoroastrianism have strong historical bonds and share similar valuesystems. Furthermore, the similarities between the founding figures of these to religions are startling. The difference between judaism and buddhism, hinduism. The influence of the zoroastrian religion on hadiths and. The twentyone nask s books of the avesta were created by ahura mazda and brought by zoroaster to his patron vishtaspa denkard 4a, 3a. As an instance, both of these religions are prolife. Zoroastrianism beliefs and teachings of hinduism about. Comparison of zoroastrianism and buddhism 383 words 2 pages zoroastrianism and buddhism, like many other world religions, attempted to answer the big questions that were being asked in southwest asia and india in the axial age 700 b.

Zoroastrian influence on judaism became much stronger. The concept of asha in zoroastrianism is like the concept of dharma in hinduism, referring to a superior law of the universe and the bright path of life for the believers. Hinduism on the other hand is religious tradition that originated in the indian subcontinent in the pre. The tanakh jewish bible also referred to as the torah is what the jews follow whereas zoroastrians follow the zend avesta. Its cosmology is dualistic, and the conflict between the forces of good and evil is played out on a hierarchical scale of spiritual and material spheres. Zoroastrian holidays and festivals learn religions. According to these records, zoroastrianism and hinduism are the two oldest religions of our modern humanity. The principal text in the liturgical group is the yasna, which takes its name from the yasna ceremony, zoroastrianism s primary act of worship, and at which the yasna. Zoroastrianism was a monotheistic and messianic religion centered around the duality of good and evil and founded on the teachings of its prophet, zoroaster. Sacrificial rituals known as yasnas in zoroastrianism and yajna in hinduism. Pdf perspectives of hinduism and zoroastrianism on.

It centers arrange the words of the clairvoyant zarathushtra, called zoroaster as a result of the antiquated greeks, after that focuses adoration in the lead ahura. Starting from the first civilizations in sumer and ur to the vast metropolitans of today like new york and london, religion has been around and played a key part in lives of people. Why are there so many similarities between zoroastrianism and. The jews cogitated that god gave them the ten commandments soundly to moses. It is a great myth that avestan resembles vedic religion. Zoroastrianism religion is an ancient persian religion that may have originated as early as 4000 years ago.

The description of zoroastrianism reflects the authors personal. Differences and similarities between hinduism and zoroastrianism and their. According to an estimation of the new york times, in 2006, there were probably less than. The qissai sanjan is a tale of the journey of the parsis to india from iran. Zoroastrianism is an ancient persian religion that may have originated as early as 4,000 years ago. It may be presumed that it was a modified natureworship, with polytheistic features and some traces of demonistic beliefs. Compare christianity, islam and judaism christianity, islam, and judaism are three of the most influential world religions in history. Zoroastrian communities still exist in iran and in india, where they are known as parsis. Its also a sacred language because the texts are written in it an.

What is the name of the holy book of zoroastrianism. Christianity vs hinduism difference and comparison diffen. This influence is clearly visible in the later jewish writings such as t he book of daniel and the books of the maccabees, which were written in the second century bce. Comparing zoroastrianism and christianity kids of courage. But it doesnt mean any plagiarism is there between these two religions as many anti hindus told today. What are the similarities between hinduism and zoroastrian. Download pdf a manual of khshnoom on zoroastrianism. No both of them dont have similar customs of sacred thread. Superficially such a comparison seems apt, as both are dualistic and manichaeism adopted many of the yazatas for its own pantheon. It is composed in the avestan language and it is only known and attested because of that.

As for the zoroastrianism religion, they are a rejection of the old persian gods. An interesting biblical account of zoroastrian jewish contact, as well as an early attestation of middle eastern petroleum. Compare and contrast zoroastrianism and judaism essay 383 words. It symbolizes christs death on the cross, a sacrifice for the sins of mankind. But it doesnt mean any plagiarism is there between these two religions as many. Zoroastrianism definition, beliefs, founder, holy book. Ritual chanting of manthra or mantras during religious ceremonies. The gathas, the most ancient, describe zoroasters followers often as depressed and endangered. Comparison of zoroastrianism and buddhism 383 words bartleby. It likely influenced islam but doubtful it had any influence on the children of israel. Islam is a monotheistic abrahamic religion, founded by prophet muhammad in the middle east in the 7th century ce. Also, their garments and holy fire and stuff are pretty much similar. In terms of differences, zoroastrianism is a religion boasting a god, a prophet, and a holy book, while hinduism lacks all these features. The literature appears to designate the period and condition of the church.

Diwali, holi, ram navami, hanuman jayanti, ganesh chaturthi, etc. Comparison of the five primary religions the oracle. Religion has been a major focal point in any society and in any culture. Instead of reincarnation and rebirth, zoroastrianism, like abrahamic religions, believes in the afterlife. Zoroastrianism became the official religion of the iranian empire from the time of cambyses ii 529522 bce. Ramadan month of fasting, eidul adha feast of the sacrifice, eidul fitr sweet festival at the end of ramadan. Perspectives of hinduism and zoroastrianism on abortion. There are many similarities when it comes to worship and practice between hinduism, buddhism, sikhism, and jainism. The difficulty of a zoroastrian theology proper is in defining the six amesha spentas, or holy immortals2, who interpreted by some scholars are part of ahura mazdas the zoroastrian name for god essence, and by others as deities created by and independent of him. The book is written by phiroz nasarvanji tavaria assisted by burjor ratanji panthaki m. Hinduism books check out the most popular books concerning. Nov 02, 2018 in zoroastrian tradition viraz arda viraz the zoroastrian priest who wrote the book of arda viraz is guided by saraosh while in islam muhammad is guided by gabriel through their journey of heavens. These five religions possess different beliefs and responsibilities, but they still share similar attributes. Both zoroastrianism and hinduism have similar origins, pay homage to the same spiritual seers, venerate the same gods and even have the same verses throughout the early scriptures.

It developed about three and a half thousand years ago from the ancient indoiranian religion that was once shared by the ancestors of nomadic herding tribes that later settled in iran and northern india. Because the words were believed to have effective power, their verbatim preservation was considered essential. There are many holy days in hinduism which differ from region to region. The iranians, in their first migration into iran, were led by the great teacher zoroaster, who belonged to the same mighty brotherhood as manu of the indic tradition and was a high initiate of the same great lodge, taught by the same. Zoroastrianism is one of the worlds oldest known living religions and has its origins in the distant past. Jul, 2020 a manual of khsnoom the zoroastrian occult knowledge is a near 500 pages long introduction to zoroastrian cosmology, occultism, spirituality and fantastic tales. Comparison of zoroastrianism and buddhism 383 words. Hindus, who have remained isolated from any persian immigrations of.

Furthermore, zoroastrians believe in an eternal life either in heaven or in hell. Zoroastrianism and hinduism hindupedia, the hindu encyclopedia. Pdf perspectives of hinduism and zoroastrianism on abortion. Kaliyan bought the vedas as a boon and so all the previous religious books. This book is useful for the later history of the zoroastrians. The battle between good and evil both of these religions consider that there is a battle between good and evil. The original book is currently kept in the fire temple. The texts which are condemnatory of the suras as impure and ungodly are far. So the differences in hinduism and zoroastrianism are less of differences, more of similarities with variations. The oldest surviving versions of these tales are found in the ninth to 11th century ce texts of zoroastrian tradition i. Recently, i read a thread on similarities between the two ancient eastern. A peculiar and interesting difference is that of benevolent and malevolent beings. Hinduism and islam are the third and second most popular religions in the world respectively.

While judaism isnt as large as christianity and islam, its impact on the world has still been as profound. Of course, there are many similarities between hinduism and buddhism, as they sprang from the culture and surroundings of india. Hindu website, hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism. Zoroastrianism was a monotheistic and messianic which most teachings revolved round prophet zoroaster, this would lead to very few similarities between this religion and hinduism. So, the core religion of zoroastrianism should be antivedic. Eirciv 102a, spring 2006 vi february 7, 2006 basic bibliography some useful literature boyce, m. The abc of zoroastrianism origins, beliefs, afterwards conduct zoroastrianism is arguably the worlds oldest monotheistic belief. A very important difference that cannot be left out is about the holy book or scripture. Arguably the worlds first monotheistic faith, its one of the oldest religions still in. Zoroastrianism, which was the official religion of persian iran from 600 bce and for almost one thousand years, enjoyed the status of being one of the most powerful religious in the world, is now one of the worlds smallest religions of the world. The holy books of world religions sacred texts in world. Zoroastrian persian religion and the vedic religion are too many to.

Both zoroastrianism and hinduism have similar origins, pay homage to the same spiritual. Buddhism and hinduism are some of the most ancient religions in the world today. Abortion has been explicitly mentioned in zoroastrian holy. Incredibly, hinduism has been able to maintain its culture for over 3,500 years, buddhism for 2,800. Similarities between hindu and zoroastrianism 716 words. Social order, in this sense, refers to a set of customs and. The yasts and vendidad are said to compose the younger avesta. Zoroastrianism and buddhism, like many other world religions, attempted to answer the big questions that were being asked in southwest asia and india in the axial age 700 b. Hinduism is followed by hindus and zoroastrianism is followed by people referred to as parsis. Hindu astrological similarities to that of mazdaen texts translated by theophilus have. Compare and contrast judaism and buddhism essay 662 words. Hinduism hinduism is the indigenous, most predominant religion of the indian subcontinent. Difference between hinduism and zoroastrianism difference.

Comparison with the zoroastrian communities in iran indicates a number of. I do not think karen armstrongs madeup theory is correct. An introduction to zoroastrianism the british library. Oct 25, 2010 judaism also has a sanctum book called the torah. Judaism and zoroastrianism similarities 6 important. The book of zoroastrianism is avesta which contains holy scripts and ancient writings. The most noteworthy similarity between zoroastrianism and hinduism is their prolife. In hinduism, the benevolent beings are called devas and the malevolent ones are asuras, while in zoroastrianism, the malevolent are daevas, and benevolent are ah. Judaism, hinduism, zoroastrianism, taoism, jainism. The character of the persian religion before zoroasters time is not known, but a comparison with that of india shows that it must have had much in common with the early religion of the hindus.

In the 1920s and 1930s, some indian intellectuals among them rabindranath tagore published books on zoroastrianism that partly tried to align it with indian religious literature, most notably the bhagavadgita or the upani. They differ in many respects including idol worship, monotheism and their history. And zoroastrianism has its own savior, zarathustra. Why are there so many similarities between zoroastrianism. No man should touch a woman when she is on her period. This sacred text is divided into two main sections, the old testament and the new testament which are then further divided into various books. Zoroastrianism, ancient preislamic religion of iran with both monotheistic and dualistic elements that likely influenced the other major religions, including in angelology and eschatology. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Jun 22, 2011 compare and contrast egyptian religion, judaism, zoroastrianism and greek traditions. Zoroastrianismintroduction to persian religion syskool. Religious texts are to be found in the avesta, which is the holy book of zoroastrianism. Vedic elements in the ancient iranian religion of zarathushtra. Ap world history religion comparison chart religions zoroastrianism judaism christianity islam hearth persia ur judea israel mecca, saudi arabia diffusion started in persia and one division went to india went into europe by jews scattering, u. Hinduism is primarily the major religion in the country of india.

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