Counter unconventional warfare pdf

The definition of unconventional warfare and the scope of uw activities has long been disputed witty, 2010 according to the department of defense dictionary of military terms j oint pub 102 the cu rrent definition of uw, approved by ussocom in 2009, is activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by. Countering irregular threats joint operating concept joc in 2010. United states counter to future unconventional adversaries. The iranian strategies examined in these chapters show a trend of attempting to turn a perceived weakness into strength. This capacity has atrophied over the past 15 years as sof, in particular the us army special forces, have focused more on counter terrorism, direct action, and foreign internal defense operations. What is the difference between counterinsurgency and. Oct 21, 2014 wholeofgovernment by nature, hybrid warfare as seen in the russian and iranian cases places a particular premium on unconventional warfare uw. Countering grayzone hybrid threats4 modern war institute. On irregular wars, insurgencies and how to counter them.

This overlap may spell the end of the iranian division of forces, or at least lower its efficiency. Unconventional warfare uw, counter insurgency coin, u. Unconventional warfare, armed antigovernment conflicts, guerrilla warfare, and civil war 358 schools of thought on unconventional warfare 359 contributing causes of unconventional warfare 360 commonalities of unconventional warfare 361. The criteria of distinction between irregular and unconventional warfare is the third distinctive feature. Uw articles unconventional warfare uw ussocom library. Whereas conventional warfare is used to reduce the opponents military capability directly through attacks and maneuvers, unconventional warfare is an attempt to achieve victory indirectly through a proxy force. Oct, 2014 counter unconventional warfare white paper. Special operations forces civil affairs units can plan and conduct civil military operations in support of insurgent groups in an unconventional warfare. Unrestricted warfare, by qiao liang and wang xiangsui beijing. It shows that irregular warfare is combat with the use of violence between state and nonstate actors, but unconventional warfare. This analytical paper identifies types of 4gw tactics which are being employed by nonstates actors in pakistan. Apr 01, 2016 1 unconventional warfare waged by means of local force. The term unconventional warfare is used in this study in a general sense to describe irregular warfare specifically russias new generation warfare, including political, diplomatic, military, economic, financial, cultural, social, religious, cyber, and information warfare. The insufficiency of us irregular warfare doctrine national.

Navy irregular warfare and counterterrorism operations. Government agencies and their contractors only to protect technical or operational information from automatic dissemination under the international exchange. Department of defense dictionary of military and associated terms pdf. Also recommended are changes to our intellectual culture and the professional military educational that underpins it. Comprehensive and proactive approach to unconventional warfare open pdf. Unconventional warfare uw doctrine, concepts, academic inquiry, and suggested. Counterunconventional warfare cuw should thus prove central to u. Army special operations command counterunconventional. Implementing a count erunconventional warfare strategy. The relationship between iran and lebanese hizbollah unconventional warfare case study. The following selections are taken from unrestricted warfare, a book published in china in february 1999 which proposes tactics for developing countries, in. Second, by understanding the enemys strategy a counter unconventional warfare strategy can be devised that will allow us law enforcement and homeland security agencies with intelligence support to locate and defeat the underground elements attempting to infiltrate, radicalize, and execute operations on us soil. Pdf while unconventional warfare uw remains a viable, lowcost method of.

Fm3121 1961 guerilla warfare and special forces operations. Irregular warfare annex to the national defense strategy. Unconventional warfare but uw is being practiced around the world by those who are interested in it all means at a nations command, short of war, to achieve its national objectives. Dod or joint level doctrine specifically for unconventional warfare. It will further examine the unconventional warfare training that special forces officers and noncommissioned officers receive during their careers, identify new unconventional warfare training opportunities, and ultimately make some recommendations for future unconventional warfare training. Pla literature and arts publishing house, february 1999 fbis editors note. Uw is a broad spectrum of military and or paramilitary operations and activities, normally of long duration, conducted through with or by indigenous or surrogate forces who are organized, trained, equipped, supported and otherwise directed in. For an comprehensive discussion of unconventional warfare view several articles about unconventional warfare in the winter 2001 edition of special warfare magazine vol. The basic concepts of unconventional warfare are presented in a manner designed to acquaint the reader with special forces organization, concepts, and methods of operations to fulfill the armys responsibility for the conduct of unconventional warfare. Special operations forces civil affairs units can plan and conduct civil military operations in support of insurgent groups in an unconventional warfare environment. Unconventional warfare pocket guide the purpose of this document is to provide a pocket reference of unconventional warfare uw doctrine, concepts, academic inquiry, and suggested supplementary reading for military leaders and planners.

This is an unclassified version of the original document. Abstract counterunconventional warfare open pdf 320kb during the last decade, the u. Syrian military and forestalling any counterrevolution or countercoup activity. In fact, excessive concentration on counter guerrilla operations, or the. Company c, 119th special forces group airborne cal guard. As such, a response capitalizing on americas own irregular and unconventional warfare skills, as part of a wholeofgovernment and multinational strategy, can best counter actions of emergent. But nuclearwar, and warfare in which biological and chemical weapons are used, are not included in the concept of unconventional. Security classification of this page unclassified 19. United states military doctrine and the conduct of counter. Unconventional warfare cuw should thus prove central to. The rhodesian insurgency and the role of external support. An updated approach to counterinsurgency operations quan.

Unconventional warfare is essentially support provided by the military to a foreign insurgency or resistance. Related activities such as military information support operations, cyberspace operations, countering threat networks, counter threat finance, military operations, and security civil. The use of intimidation and coercion is common in unconventional warfare, where anything goes, as long as the greater goal of bringing about a concession. Pakistan government and its military are facing great difficulty and challenge to counter this type of warfare. Affairs units plan and conduct civil military operations to support insurgent groups in unconventional warfare.

Thus, the interests of external states are supported by local armed forces that thus substitute the forces of the sponsorstate. Irregular warfare counterterrorism counterinsurgency stability operations security force assistance unconventional warfare. New challenges demand rethinking the forms and methods of carrying out combat operations. Comprehensive civilian and military efforts taken to defeat an. Oct 02, 2020 unconventional warfare uw, stabilization, foreign internal defense fid, counterterrorism ct, and counterinsurgency coin. Unconventional manoeuvre during composite warfare operations 358 chapter 17. Unconventional warfare, or uw, is defined as activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt or overthrow an occupying power or government by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary and guerrilla force in a denied area. Exploiting vulnerabilities in the oject army war college. The antonym of unconventional warfare is conventional warfare, which means a battle between states regular armed forces. Unconventional warfare does not belong to special forces. This capacity has atrophied over the past 15 years as sof, in particular the us army special forces, have focused more on counter terrorism, direct action, and foreign. Unconventional warfare united states department of. The definition of unconventional warfare and the scope of uw activities has long been disputed witty, 2010 according to the department of defense dictionary of military terms j oint pub 102 the cu rrent definition of uw, approved by ussocom in 2009, is.

Article the international law of unconventional statecraft. Cuw is a relatively new term coined by veterans of global special operations, who have. It can be seen in history that conducting a successful counter insurgency requires a full range of operations. In a 20 article, russian general valery gerasimov published an article, the value of science is in the foresight. The figure, joint force irregular warfare operations. It questions whether, and if so when, foreign support to insurgents runs afoul of international legal norms designed to safeguard the sovereign prerogatives of other states. Given the success of terrorist organizations against the united states since 1983 it is prudent to ask if nations will pursue unconventional engagements with the united states. Russian unconventional warfare in ukraine, 202014 historical context ukraines historical, cultural, religious, and economic ties to russia make it a vital interest to moscow. Navy iw operations in middle east and afghanistan in the years following the terrorist attacks of september 11, 2001, the navy carried out a variety of irregular warfare iw and counterterrorism ct activities. Russian intervention in ukraine has featured refined and modernized techniques evolved through observation. Western encroachment into the russian sphere of influence, primarily through north atlantic treaty organization nato expansion and. After 911, we identified a need to create a description for what to many appeared to be a new form of warfare this became irregular warfare. Jan 15, 2021 as a term, unconventional warfare begets misunderstandings of what it actually is, and sparks temptations to use the term as a catchall for political warfare.

Nato security policy and practice over the next several decades. Army special operations forces unconventional warfare. George kennan strategy, without information upon which it can rely, is helpless. R esearch paper research division nato defense college, rome no. A leaders handbook to unconventional warfare 9 understanding unconventional warfare unconventional warfare, or uw, is defined as activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt or overthrow an occupying power or government by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary and. The definition of unconventional warfare and the scope of uw activities has long been. The term of unconventional warfare is not quite accurate from the international law point of view. Both issues detract from appreciating the impact of unconventional warfare at the strategic level, in particular, when competition is unfolding in grayzone political environments. Uw is a broad spectrum of military and or paramilitary operations and activities, normally of long duration, conducted through with or by indigenous or surrogate forces who are organized, trained, equipped, supported and otherwise directed in varying degrees by an external source.

This section briefly defines the terms of interest, irregular war, insurgency, and. While unconventional warfare uw remains a viable, lowcost method of indirect warfare, some of the assumptions underpinning traditional uw have diverged from reality in the last two decades. Unconventional warfare consists of activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt or overthrow an occupying power or government by operating through or with an. Subject terms unconventional warfare, irregular warfare, information operations, miso, cyber operations 16.

This section defines irregular warfare iw and describes the scope of iw operations. For purposes of convenience, this report continues to use the term irregular warfare and the abbreviation iw. Advances in technology and other trends in the environment will render such irregular threats ever more lethal, capable of producing widespread chaos, and otherwise difficult to counter. Security classification of abstract unclassified 20. It is based on lessons learned from both historical and contemporary uw operations. Thus, we can properly understand the global organized gang stalking operations which i refer to as gogs new gestapo for global organized gang stalking neuro warfare. Available for viewing or download in adobe acrobat pdf by clicking here, it is 1. Books unconventional warfare uw ussocom library at joint. Subconventional warfare requirements, impact and way ahead. These threats are enmeshed in the population and increasingly empowered by. Counterunconventional warfare white paper us army special. Nov 23, 2015 on this page you can read or download counter urbanisation pdf task 3 in pdf format.

Counter guerrilla warfare is a type of unconventional warfare and both can be aspects of counter insurgency operations. Unconventional warfare uw is the support of a foreign insurgency or resistance movement against its government or an occupying power. Kilcullen 2007, understands counterinsurgency as a variant of conventional warfare. Us army must rebuild unconventional warfare capacity within the special operations forces sof. Unconventional warfare focus on the philippines 7 special reports planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to in. Unconventional warfare uw is the support of a foreign insurgency or resistance movement. United states and unconventional warfare open pdf 1 mb thesis.

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